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Ms-91 Advanced Strategic Management
Course: Master of Business Administration
University: IGNOU
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MS-91 Solved Assignment 2022 – Advanced Strategic Management
1. Describe the features of corporate policy. What are the steps involved in policy formulation process? Explain in detail.
2. (a) Identify the issues which result in bad corporate governance (CG).
(b) Develop a case of an organisation (name and describe the organisation) when good CG has resulted in improvement in performance of the organisation.
3. What are the various pricing strategies available to the firms? Discuss any two of them with reference to different market structures.
4. Briefly discuss the trends and challenges in Knowledge Management (KM).
5. What are the steps involved in developing R&D strategy? Briefly explain.
6. Write short notes.
(a) Ethics and Business
(b) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Old Samples – Ignou MS-91 Solved Assignment
Q. Identify the features of Corporate Philosophy and examine it with reference to an organisation.
Answer. Corporate Philosophy is a written policy that promises to dedicate sufficient resources to company compliance at all levels. It doesn’t have to be fancy or complicated………
Guide for Repetitive Operations: The policies are formulated to act as a guide for repetitive day to day operations. They are best as a guide for the activities that occur frequently or repeatedly……..
Q. Highlight the Corporate governance practices in Indian context.
Answer. Corporate governance is the set of processes, customs, policies, laws, and institutions affecting the way a corporation is directed, administered or controlled……
The hallmarks of good corporate governance are that it should be based on mutual trust and efficient collaboration between the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board…………..
The more interesting issue which has not received much attention so far is the potential that exists for conflict between the dominant shareholder and the minority (public) shareholders. There was a well-known case a few years ago where a dispute of several………..
Q. Distinguish between Prescriptive and Descriptive Schools of Thought on Corporate Strategy Formulation.
Answer. A school of thought is understood to be the range of thought of a specific group of researchers, which has crystallized within the field of strategic management
Prescriptive schools highlight more the issue about how strategies should be designed. On the other hand, the descriptive schools are more concerned with certain aspects in the strategy management process……..
In contrast to the prescriptive schools, which are normative in nature, the descriptive schools are non-normative in nature. They do no offer advice but describe strategic management practices…….. Get Ignou Mba MS-91 Solved Assignment
Q. What is the purpose of Kumar Mangalam Birla Committee Report on Corporate Governance
Answer. SEBI had constituted a Committee on May 7, 1999 under the chairmanship of Shri Kumarmangalam Birla, then Member of the SEBI Board…..
The committee divided the recommendations into two categories, namely, mandatory and non- mandatory. The recommendations which are absolutely essential for corporate governance can be defined with precision and which can be enforced through the amendment of the ……..
Q. Describe the influence of ‘Strategy’ and ‘Support Mechanisms’ in promoting or hindering creativity and innovation.
Answer. Creativity and innovation are closely related constructs that share significant overlap in characteristics. However, in essence, creativity is the generation of novel and useful ideas, primarily at the individual level………
The foundation of innovation and creativity is based on a shared vision and mission, that are centered on the future. In addition, the vision and mission of a creative and innovative corporation are also customer and market oriented concentrating on resolving customers’ issues among other things. ………..
The major factor identified in the literature that impedes creative performance is control. It could be control in decision making, control of information flow, or even perceived control in the form of reward systems that put too much emphasis on increasing extrinsic motivation. A culture that supports and encourages control will result in diminished creativity and innovation…………. Download Full MS-91 Ignou Solved Assignment Advanced Strategic Management for Jan-June or July-Dec.
Staff members should additionally be rewarded for risk taking, experimenting and generating ideas. Intrinsic rewards like increased autonomy and improved opportunities for personal and professional growth may support the innovation process. It’s also vital that you reward individuals as well as teams………