Title: MS-63 Solved Assignment 2022
Course Code : MS – 63
Course Title : Product Management
Session: January 2022 and July 2022 sessions
Assignment Code : MS-63 /TMA/JAN/2022
Coverage : All Blocks
University: IGNOU
Course: Master of Business Administration
Language: English
Soft Copy: Yes
Downloadable File: Yes
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MS-63 Solved Assignment 2022 – Product Management
1. (a) What is a Product? Discuss with an example. How are products classified? Explain the basis of classification with suitable examples.
(b) Discuss the nature and scope of Product Management with a company you are associated or familiar with.
2. (a) What is product line? By taking an FMCG company of your choice as an example discuss its product line. Explain the Product Life Cycle concept (PLC) and how does it help in product planning activity of a business.
(b) What is the rationale for managing product portfolio? Discuss. Explain the Methodology of constructing BCG matrix.
3 (a) List out and discuss the relevance and rational of branding. Bring out the relationship of the three concepts namely positioning, product differentiation and market segmentation with a suitable example of your choice.
(b) Discuss the concept of Brand equity. Comment on the importance of packaging and labelling.
4(a) Explain the various sources of new product ideal used by a firm which you are associated or familar with. What factor’s determine the decision to offer new product by the marketer?
(b) Discuss the major concept generation methods that you are familiar with. What is Test marketing? Discuss the various issues associated with test marketing.
IGNOU university has uploaded their current session MBA programme Assignment for the session year 2022-23. Candidates have to submit MBA Solved Assignments to get a permit of attending the Term End Exam of the IGNOU MBA Programme.
Last date of submission for for IGNOU MBA Assignment ms 63 is January 2022 session is 30th April, 2022 and for July 2022 session is 31st October, 2022.