Title: MPC-004 Solved Assignment 2021-22
Course Code : MPC-04
Course Title : Personality: Theories and Assessment
Session: July 2021 and January 2022 sessions
Assignment Code : MPC-004/ASST/TMA/2021-22
Coverage : All Blocks
University: IGNOU
Course: M.A. in Psychology (MAPC)
Language: English
Soft Copy: Yes
Downloadable File: Yes
File: PDF/Zip
MPC-004 Solved Assignment 2021-2022 – Advanced Social Psychology
Section A
Answer the following question in about 1000 words each: Marks 15×3=45
1. Explain the nature, concept and scope of social psychology. Describe the emergence of modern social
2. Discuss the various areas and researches of social influence.
3. Discuss the factors affecting helping behavior and the theories related to pro social behaviour.
Section B
Answer the following questions in about 400 words each: Marks 5×5=25
4. Discuss the characteristics of stereotypes.
5. Describe the factors of attitude formation.
6. Explain the methods of reducing prejudice and discrimination.
7. Elaborate upon the methods of conflict resolution.
8. Explain the concept and importance of group dynamics.
Section C
Answer the following in about 50 words each: Marks 10×3=30
9. Characteristics of prejudice.
10. Features of a group.
11. Interpersonal attractions.
12. Learned helplessness.
13. Environmental stressors.
14. Errors in attribution.
15. Experimental method.
16. Informed consent.
17. Active crowd.
18. Obedience.
IGNOU MASTER OF ARTS M.A Psychology (MPC) Solved Assignment For 2021-2022 Session M.A Psychology (MPC 4)
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